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Studio B Games is committed to supplying our world with videogames that are both wholesome and entertaining, something our world desperately needs.

About Us

Studio B Games is the product of someone's future vision, the manifestation of a young man's dreams. It is a platform for us to speak to the world through the stories we tell, and we tell those stories by making games.

I must admit, the word "us" is very misleading. At the moment, there is but a single, humble soul running the company: me; so, in a way, Studio B Games is actually just a pseudonym. One day, however, I hope to recruit the greatest team ever assembled and design the grandest project ever undertaken by an indie game development team...

But that starts with you, and whether you play my games.


Lend A Hand

Being an indie developer is hard, but there are ways that you can make it better. One of the best ways you can help a small team like ours is to:


If you want to do more or want to get your foot in the door on becoming part of the team someday, email us at contact.studiobgames@gmail.com